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Staff mobility for teaching - Incoming

Staff Mobility for Teaching

For teaching within Erasmus+ programme at University of Nova Gorica (UNG), you must be an employee of a higher education institution (HEI) with which the UNG has signed an Inter-institutional Agreement.

Erasmus+ gives also an opportunity to invited individuals in businesses (from Programme Countries) to share their knowledge to students.

A teaching period between two Programme Countries must last a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 60 days.

A teaching period between Programme and Partner Countries must last a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 60 days.

In both cases, this excludes travelling time.

In case of invited individuals from business the minimum duration of mobility is 1 day.

During your stay abroad, the activity must comprise a minimum of 8 hours per week (or any shorter period of stay) of actual teaching time.

Staff Mobility for Training

For training within Erasmus+ programme at University of Nova Gorica (UNG), you must be an employee of a higher education institution (HEI). For staff applying from Partner countries it is necessary that your home institution and the UNG have signed an Inter-institutional Agreement.

A training period between two Programme Countries must last a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 60 days.

A training period between Programme and Partner Countries must last a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 60 days.

In both cases, this excludes travelling time.

Step 1: Introduction

Erasmus+ supports teaching periods at higher education institutions abroad.

Teaching abroad is a chance to develop personally, professionally and academically, develop cultural awareness and open-mindedness, gain knowledge in new subjects or in teaching methods, and improve and gain language skills.

Step 2: Eligibility

For teaching within Erasmus+ programme at University of Nova Gorica (UNG), you must be an employee of a higher education institution (HEI) with which the UNG has signed an Inter-institutional Agreement.

Erasmus+ gives also an opportunity to invited individuals in businesses (from Programme Countries) to share their knowledge to students.

A teaching period between two Programme Countries must last a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 60 days.
A teaching period between Programme and Partner Countries must last a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 60 days.

In both cases, this excludes travelling time.

In case of invited individuals from business the minimum duration of mobility is 1 day.

During your stay abroad, the activity must comprise a minimum of 8 hours per week (or any shorter period of stay) of actual teaching time.

Step 3: Application

Send us an e-mail to international.office@ung.si, containing the following information:

Language requirements

The required English level at the UNG is B2.

Deadline for applications

Applicants from non-visa countries Applicants from visa countries
45 days 90* days

Please, note that you might need to obtain an appropriate visa before entering Slovenia.

When preparing your application take into consideration the Academic Calendar

The International Office will forward your request to the appropriate Department. The Department will consider your proposal and if it fits with their plan of work and/or academic timetables, then someone from the appropriate department will directly recontact you in order to formalize your visit, that you can prepare your Mobility Agreement – Staff Mobility for Teaching.
This process may take up to 14 days.

*Please, note that visa application process for certain country may take even longer than 3 months. In order to be able to receive your visa in time, before the planned mobility, you should send us your application in accordance to the period necessary to receive your visa.


After we have agreed and the International Office has received your signed Mobility Agreement, we will send you an Invitation Letter/Acceptance Letter and information on living and working at UNG.

Step 4: Pre-departure


Please, for more information regarding visa visit the website of the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
We will remain on your disposal in case you may need any help with visa application process.

Health insurance

During your stay at the UNG, both the academic and non-academic staff visitors are obliged to be covered by an own health insurance policy valid in Slovenia/EU for the whole mobility period. The evidence of your health insurance policy must be sent via email to international.office@ung.si, at least 2 weeks before your arrival or we may reject your mobility.

Grant Agreement

The Grant Agreement sets out the financial support and payment arrangements to the participant and it must be signed before your arrival at UNG. For the participants from the Partner Countries, the Grant Agreement will be prepared by International Office, after you provide us a scan of your health insurance and confirmation that you have received an appropriate visa (if applicable).


You can either arrange your accommodation by yourself or the UNG can do it for you, but only on your request.

How to reach Nova Gorica

Arriving by plane – Airports nearby:

Arriving by train:

Arriving by bus:

Arriving by car:
You can arrive to Nova Gorica also by car, but in order to be able to drive on Slovenian motorways and expressways you need to buy the vignette.

Step 5: Upon arrival

You will have meeting with the International Office on your first working day. During the meeting you will be given the necessary administrative and academic information regarding your mobility at UNG.

The meeting will take place at the University of Nova Gorica – International office (Glavni trg 8, 5271 Vipava). You will be notified of the date and time of orientation session.

tep 6: During mobility

Slovene language course for foreigners

The UNG organizes Slovene language course for foreigners during the academic year. In case that during your mobility we will not be able to organize Slovene language course for foreigners, we will propose you other institutions that organize Slovene language course for foreigners or you can use Slovene Learning Online.

During mobility you are invited to post on the UNG Mobility Blog about your mobility experience.o

Step 7: After mobility

You will receive the Confirmation Letter at the end of the mobility.