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Study experience - Aleš Humar, BSc and MSc graduate

I decided to study Engineering and Management because this is a highly interdisciplinary field, merging the areas of economy, modern technologies and information sciences. Having obtained a secondary-school degree in mechanical engineering, my wish was to upgrade my professional knowledge in the areas of economy and other technologies. The School gave me a broad insight into and understanding of all business and manufacturing processes, as well as the successful daily tasks management within a company.

One of the most significant advantages of this study programme is the opportunity for the students to engage in project work and thus collect practical experience in a real-life environment. Yet at the beginning of their studies they can participate in various projects and establish contacts with companies, where they might later continue their professional careers. In my case, too, the company where I had performed my practical placement was the place where I could later start developing my professional career.

I would also like to point out the opportunity of taking part in international exchanges, as they can help you gain valuable international experience in companies abroad.

I think graduates of Engineering and Management have a wide range of employment possibilities, a lot of graduates of our School of Engineering and Management hold leading positions in companies requiring human resources with multidisciplinary competences, not merely narrow technological knowledge.

Aleš Humar, BSc and MSc graduate of Engineering and Management, School of Engineering and Management, University of Nova Gorica
(Quality Engineer, MAHLE Electric Drives Slovenija, d. o. o. )

October 2020

Watch the full interview with Aleš Humar as part of the online round table A graduate in Engineering and Management – job of the future

Read the testimony of Aleš Humar about his practical placement work at the MAHLE Eletric Drives Slovenija, d. o. o.