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UNG Student athlete testimonial: Kristjan Hočevar

Road racing cyclist and student of Engineering and Management

“I’m Kristjan Hočevar, student of the School of Engineering and Management of the University of Nova Gorica. Fot the past two years I’ve been an almost professional road racing cyclist and the University of Nova Gorica has been offering a great support to me. Yet when I searching for study options, I immediately noticed that this university supportive active athletes very much. And when I found a study programme that I liked (Engineering and Management) and found out about the excellent conditions for road racing cycling in the Goriška Region, I immediately decided to enroll. The priviliges that I have as a student athlete are of great help to me as I can’t come to all lectures and exams due to very frequent training sessions, races and training camps. In this respect, our university is very flexible and I can still take all the exams and successfully pass a year of studies in time, as other students do. Besides that, the university follows me and suports me in my sports career.

Kristjan Hočevar, road racing cyclist and student of the undergraduate programme Engineering and Management, School of Engineering and Management, University of Nova Gorica

Academic year 2018/19

Kristjan Hočevar, študent Gospodarskega inženiringa 1. stopnje

Kristjan Hočevar, student of Engineering and Management
Photo credit: Jan Melicher/jmphoto.sk