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UNG Student athlete testimonial: Bogdan Petrović

Volleyball player and student of Engineering and Management

“Hello, my name is Bogdan Petrović, I come from Serbia, from Belgrade. I’m 19 years old and I’m a first-year student of the School of Engineering and Management (study programme Engineering and Management) of the University of Nova Gorica. I’d like to share my experience of studying here with all prospective students, and the students of my School and actually the whole University. I came to Vipava (where my School is situated) in September last year and I’ve ever since been living in a students’ residence, which has been a great experience, as I can get to know new friends from various parts of the world. When you stay in a students’ residence, you can always ask somebody for help concerning the study materials and everybody will be willing to help you. Plus that there’s always something going on, it’s never boring. Concerning the School, my experience has so far been excellent. I became familiar with everything about my studies and other activities immediately after my arrival here. I think that it is very important, and I would also recommend it, to stay updated with everything, to follow the giuidelines that your professors, assistants and the School give you … If you do your best, are committed, and, of course, also study, I don’t think you should have any problems … And the University’s Students’ Office is always at your disposal, and the ladies who work there will readily help you. If you have already checked it out, you perhaps already know the our School of Engineering and Managemet and the whole University of Nova Gorica hold really high positions in the European university ranking systems and let this be just another reason for you to study and obtain a degree of this renowned School. In my case, I came here also with the hope of carrying on with my sports career, actually my careey in volley. I’ve been playing volleyball for almost 7 years in Serbia and I wanted to continue with my career here.

The story of how I’ve found my current club and how I found my way around, is another story, but all I want to tell you is that if you get organised it is possible to combine your studies and sports. I can confirm that because I travel 55 km one way on each occasion, as I play volleyball in the OK Salonit Anhovo Volleyball Club, located in Kanal. So I don’t think any of future students athletes will face any major problems … In Nova Gorica, Vipava and the surrouding towns thare are of course also football clubs, basketball clubs, handball clubs; because of the landscape features, the location is also very popular for hiking … I advise to all the students wishing to pursue their future sports careers in Slovenia to apply for the status of a student athlete, which I also obtained in yet in September last year. It’s enough just to follow the steps and guidelines for applying for this status, and if you have some questions, you can simply send the School an email to solve the issue. This status can help you if you, due to your engagement in sports, can’t attend all the lectures – the professors are understanding and so you can simply catch up with the study contents later; or if you don’t have enough time to prepare for an exam because of your obligations in the sports club, you simply arrange another examination date with the professor (or the School), upon prior agreement everything is possible.
I hope I’ve succeeded to give you some kind of insight into what’s it like to study and live in this part of Slovenia, and that I’ve answered to some of the questions of future students athletes. The whole of Slovenia is wonderful and there are lots of places which you really need to visit in your free time.

Follow the application deadlines, put together all the necessary documents for enrollment, and I hope we can meet each other soon!

Best wishes from Vipava!”

Bogdan Petrović, volleyball player and student of the undergraduate programme Engineering and Management, School of Engineering and Management, University of Nova Gorica

Academic year 2019/20


Bogdan Petrović, student of Engineering and Management
Photo credit: The Belgrade Association for School Sports (BASS)