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Webinar No more getting lost in the dark! How to use different types of light to observe the invisible world around us.

University of Nova Gorica Week 2022

Time: Thursday, 6th October 2022, 13:00–13:30

Location: online, please register at THIS LINK

Description of event:

The visible light which our eyes can detect represent only a small fragment within the spectre of the different types of light existing in the nature. At the lecture you can learn how huge scientific discoveries about unusual characteristics of light have offered an insight directly into the magic world of atoms, enabled the development of modern measurement technologies and thus made a breakthrough in the development of new technologically promising materials.

The event is suitable for all types of audience.

Event organiser: School of Engineering and Management

Further information: Administrative Office of the School for Engineering and Management

E: info.ptf@ung.si
T: +386 5 6205 830