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How organic transistors are made – touring the laboratory and learning about the study opportunities of physics and astrophysics

Dogodek Tedna Univerze v Novi Gorici 2024

Time: Thursday, 10th October 2024, from 16:00 to 18:00

Venue: University Centre in Ajdovščina, Laboratory of Organic Matter Physics, Vipavska cesta 11c, Ajdovščina

Event description:

We will present the research activities of the Laboratory for Organic Matter Physics. Research is devoted to new two-dimensional materials that show excellent properties for use in electronics. Graphene is especially interesting. Graphene is a single layer of graphite. With its hexagonal network of carbon atoms, it forms a monoatomic plane along which electric charge is transported almost at the speed of light. As a result, the speed of electronic elements, such as e.g. an electronic switch or transistor based on graphene could achieve exceptional switching speeds, which would lead e.g. to faster computers. We will show the processes of how graphene is obtained from graphite and how a transistor is made from such graphene. The educational demonstration is suitable for a wide range of people - both the youngest elementary school students accompanied by their parents, as well as high school students or adults. We will adapt the presentation to the audience, the presentation will be in Slovenian and English.

There are 10 places available for live viewing at the laboratory (bookings should be made via email to vesna.mrzek@ung.si) ).

Further information:

Laboratory for Organic Matter Physics
Ms Vesna Mržek
E: vesna.mrzek@ung.si
T: +386 (0)5 36 53 500