First Crossings, international festival of youth film production – film programme of the School of Arts

University of Nova Gorica Week 2024 event

Date: Friday, 11th October 2024, 9:00–21:00

Venue: Kinemax, Piazza Vittoria 41, Gorizia (Italy)

Event description:

For many years in a row, the School of Arts has been actively cooperating with the First Crossings festival, at which every year a selection of films chosen by a student of the School of Arts is shown. Moreover, the student also leads the discussions with the authors of the films. The event also represents a cross-generation gathering with the students of the Gimnazija Nova Gorica Grammar School and the Secondary School of Villach (Austria).

The whole event is dedicated to youth fim production.

For more information, please see the website of the Poklon viziji festival, an umbrella festival of the First Crossings sub-festival.

All events are free.

Event organiser: School of Arts in cooperation with Kinoatelje

Further information: School of Arts, UNG
T: +386 (0)51 33 67 70