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Practical placement – an excellent gateway to entrepreneurship

University of Nova Gorica Week 2023 event

Time: Wednesday, 4th October 2023, 11:00–12:00

Venue: School of Engineering and Management, Lanthieri Mansion, Glavni trg 8, 5271 Vipava, Lecture Room P 2.1.

Event description:

The event Practical placement – an excellent gateway to entrepreneurship is a moderated discussion, at which the students of the School of Engineering and Management will present successful cases of practical placements in real working environments. During the discussion we will be able to learn more about the professional competences of graduates in Engineering and Management, who hold a great variety of positions within companies and organisation. They are able to use the latest technologies at work, to identify the weaknesses of management and production processes and suggest improvements, while taking into account the legal, environmental and other factors, decreasing the costs and at the same time increasing the quality of products and services. They are also skilled in working with people, lead and motivate them, and overcome the challenges in the way that the solutions suggested are used in practice.

Practical placement represents one of the crucial parts of the syllabus of the Study programme Engineering and Management ad gives the students the opportunity to relate the theoretical knowledge acquired at various courses to the practical experience. For the majority of students this is the first opportunity to experience a real working environment within their own professional area, and thus acquire new knowledge and develop various competences. As part of the practical placement, the students choose the area of interest and the topic of the practical placement is defined in the manner to be interesting also for the hosting company. The students face real challenges, which are then solved with the support of the mentors within the company and the mentors at the School. It is often the case that the students continue to cooperate with the company also after completing their practical placements.

Event organisers: School of Enginering and Management, UNG Career Center

Further information:
School of Enginering and Management
Ms Nives Štefančič
E: nives.stefancic@ung.si
T: +386 (0)5 62 05 813

Ms Aneta Ivanovska
E: aneta.ivanovska@ung.si
T: +386 (0)5 62 05 830