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Round table: Geographical names in the area of Italy populated by the Slovenes

University of Nova Gorica Week 2023 event

Time: Wednesday, 4th October 2023, from 18:30 to 20:00

Venue: Trgovski dom, Corso Verdi 52, 31170 Gorizia, Italy

Event description:

Upon naming the geographical units in the area of Italy populated by the Slovenes, speakers of Slovene often face dilemmas what guidelines they should follow in terms of linguistic choices, in which circumstances to use the Slovene variant and in which circumstances the Italian one; and which variant among the various dialectal ones is the appropriate formal variant to be used. A lot has already been done by Pavle Merku while documenting the Slovene variants of place names in Italy. Meanwhile, the open EU borders, and the increased care for the linguistic and cultural heritage also raise new issues related to everyday communication, which shall be discussed during the round table, inviting also the the audience to take an active part.


Dr. Helena Dobrovoljc (Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts – ZRC SAZU, Commission for the standardization of geographical names, University of Nova Gorica)
Dr. Matjaž Geršič (Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Commission for the standardization of geographical names – ZRC SAZU)
Dr. Nataša Gliha Komac (Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts – ZRC SAZU, Planika)
Andreja Kalc (Slovene Research Institute – SLORI)
Laura Sgubin (Central Office for the Slovene Language of the Autonomous Region Friuli - Venezia Giuia)


Dr. Maja Melinc Mlekuž (Center for Cognitive Science of Language, School of Humanities, University of Nova Gorica)

Target audience:

Students, teachers, journalists and general public interested in the topic.

Organisers: Center for Cognitive Science of Language; School of Humanities, University of Nova Gorica

Cooperating institutions: Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and ArtsZRC SAZU, Slovene Research InstituteSLORI, Central Office for the Slovene Language of the Autonomous Region Friuli - Venezia Giuia; the event shall be supported by theSlovene Educational Consortium – SLOV.I.K.

Download the invitation (pdf in Slovene)

Further information: School of Humanities, University of Nova Gorica
E: info.fh@ung.si
T: +386 (0)5 33 15 237