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Language and Deduction

University of Nova Gorica Week 2023 event

Time: Monday, 2nd October 2023, 11:30* *Event for schools: This event can alternatively be carried out any other day within UNG Week upon prior bookings.

Duration: 60 minutes

Online event. Link: https://mitv.ung.si/asset/bcSYjbYZobmM6KfjM

Event description:

Recently, some computer softwares have gained visibility because of their ability to respond to inputs in ways that are similar to human reactions as never before. Moreover, these softwares are able improve their accuracy with experience. To which extent these machines will approximate human capabilities? Will it always be possible, at least in principle, to distinguish a human from a machine? If yes, then how?

In this short lecture, we will discuss the ideas at the core of these software’s architecture and try to answer to these questions with a formal and logical approach.
The lecture will be conducted in English.

Organiser: School of Engineering and Management, University of Nova Gorica

Further information:

Administrative Office of the School of Engineering and Management
E: info.ptf@ung.si
T: +386 (0)5 62 05 830
E: veronika.piccinini@ung.si (contact address for school group bookings)