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How does coding theory help us transmit and store data?

University of Nova Gorica Week 2023 event

Time: Friday, 6th October, 2023, at 10:30* *Event for schools: This event can alternatively be carried out any other day within UNG Week upon prior bookings.

Duration: 1 hour

Online event. Link: https://mitv.ung.si/asset/HSA2ybvRTQgdYah3K

Event description:

Imagine that you are using infrared, Bluetooth, or Airdrop to beam an mp3, picture, or document from your cellphone to your friend's cellphone. It is possible to model the transmitted data as a string of 0s and 1s. When a 0 is sent, the other device usually receives a 0. Occasionally, noise on the channel, perhaps in the form of atmospheric disturbances or hardware malfunctions, causes the 0 to be received as a 1. We would like to know how coding schemes are used to increase the number of errors that can be corrected during transmission.
The lecture will be conducted in English.

Organiser: School of Engineering and Management, University of Nova Gorica

Further information:

Administrative Office of the School of Engineering and Management
E: info.ptf@ung.si
T: +386 (0)5 62 05 830
E: veronika.piccinini@ung.si (contact address for school group bookings)