Past Summer Schools
Check out the past summer schools covering various academic areas.
Third GoChile Astronomy Summer School
The Summer School is designed for secondary-school students interested in astronomy. The participants will perform the main project activities by using the GoChile telescope - the first Slovenian telescope in Chile. In small groups they will, under the supervision of their mentors, carry out and present a simple research project. They will develop their observational skills also by working with the telescopes they will be set in the vicinity of the venue. Moreover, at afternoon lectures they will broaden their theoretical knowledge about the areas and topics such as cosmology, black holes, dark matter and cosmic particles.
Time and location:
25th–31st August 2024; Dijaški dom Ajdovščina, Slovenia
The School is organised by the School of Science of the University of Nova Gorica The Cosmolab Institute also takes an active part in the organising of the school's activities.
More (page in Slovenian)

Summer School: Modeling and manufacturing of light aircraft models using 3D printing technology
Are you a high-school student (14-18 years old)? Are you interested in modeling, 3D scanning and 3D printing?
Would you like learn about modeling and making models of light aircraft?
Are you interested in participatating in the creation of a model airplane and learn how to make a prototype of a 3D printed model that will actually fly?
Come to the free summer school organised by the School of Environmental Sciences of the University of Nova Gorica and the Faculty of Polymer Technology.
Date and location:
26-39 August 2024, in Slovenj Gradec and Vipava, Slovenia.
Since the number of places is limited, register as soon as possible. Application deadline: June 16, 2024.
Application form

1st SMASHing Workshop
Join us at the 1st SMASHing Workshop!
This multidisciplinary event focuses on cutting-edge Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in climate science, precision medicine, particle and astro physics, and linguistics.
Network with top researchers, engage in insightful discussions, and explore innovative ML/AI techniques. Notable speakers include experts from institutions like UC Berkeley, ETH Zurich, and more. Don't miss this opportunity to connect academia and industry!
Time and location:
7th–11th October, 2024, Vipava, Slovenia
More & Register:

Impressions from the Seasonal school "Renewable borders: The energy landscape in the European Borderlands"
Our students of Digital Arts and Practices, Environment, Cultural History and Cultural Heritage Studies have sent us impressions from the seasonal school "Renewable borders: The energy landscape in the European Borderlands". It was organised from 24th to 27th October 2023, at Chemnitz University of Technology in Germany, by the ACROSS network of European universities. The school focused on the definition of productive landscapes, with a special focus on European Borderlands. Among other things, the concept of “border” will be discussed in the context of renewable energies.
More on the ACROSS website

Photo credit: Archives of Una Savić

A playlist of videos with the contents of the Second REGINNA 4.0 summer school available
For all those who were unable to attend the Second REGINNA 4.0 summer school in the area of nanotechnologies and industry 4.0, can now watch all the contents online.
Seasonal school "Renewable borders: The energy landscape in the European Borderlands"
The seasonal school is organised by the ACROSS network of European universities. The four-day workshop, led by professors from the University of Girona (Spain), the University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia), Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany) and Bialystok University of Technology (Poland), will focus on the definition of productive landscapes, with a special focus on European Borderlands. Among other things, the concept of “border” will be discussed in the context of renewable energies. The lectures will be accompanied by group sessions and excursions to the Czech-German border region as well as in and around Chemnitz.
The event will take place at Chemnitz University of Technology in Germany.
Time and location: 24th–27th October 2023, Chemnitz, Germany
Number of participants: 12
Participation fee: No fee, the participants receive a scholarship covering the costs of transport, accommodation and living expenses.
Application deadline: 18th September 2023*
*To be extended – follow news on website.

Impressions from the Summer School Formal, Computational and Experimental Approaches in Linguistics 2023
Photo credit: UNG archives
Advanced workshop of stop-motion animation on the topic: Censorship
Together with theStoptrik stop motion Festival the School od Arts of the University of Nova Gorica is organising a 3-phase workshop of concept-based animation filmmaking, specifically in stop motion animation, where practical execution of the students' short animated project concludes the process of learning critical approaches to media and understanding film as a complex mode of artistic communication.
Time and location: 22nd September–3rd October 2023, in-situ 25th September–1st October 2023, Maribor, Slovenia

International Summer School: Basic Photothermal and Photoacoustic Techniques: Theory, Instrumentation and Application
The International Summer School: "Basic Photothermal and Photoacoustic Techniques: Theory, Instrumentation and Application" is organized within the framework of the Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences, offered by the Graduate School of the UNIVERSITY of NOVA GORICA in cooperation with the ETTORE MAJORANA FOUNDATION and CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC CULTURE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS and INTERNATIONAL PHOTOACOUSTIC AND PHOTOTHERMAL ASSOCIATION.
The International School will be held in Erice, Italy, during the period from 24 September to 1 October 2023.
The International School is intended for students at graduate level, who have research and future professional interests in photothermal instrumental techniques and related issues.
Participants will have the opportunity to intensively interact with an international team of experts in the field of photothermal and photoacoustic science, and to present and discuss their study and research interests. We have invited top scientists and lecturers from universities all over the world, who will offer lectures in the areas of photoacoustic and photothermal techniques and instrumentation, such as: Thermal Lens Spectroscopy, Photothermal Beam Deflection Spectroscopy, Photoacoustic Phenomena, Infrared Radiometry, Non Destructive Evaluation & Testing, Biomedical and Biological PA & PT Application, Photothermal Interferometry, Quartz Enhanced PAS. The International School will be organized as a series of intensive lectures and case study presentations with compulsory attendance to lectures of INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 66th Course, Progress in Photoacoustic & Photothermal Phenomena, Focus on BIOMEDICAL, NANOSCALE, NDE, GAS SENSING and THERMOPYSICAL PHENOMENA and TECHNOLOGIES and presentation of participants’ own papers.
Time and location: from 24 September till 1 October 2023; Erice, Sicily (Italy)
Website and application guidelines:
Contact: (Laboratory for Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Nova Gorica)

Photo credit: CasarsaTinta Photostudio
Animation Hub 2023 – Unreal Engine Workshop "Intro to Unreal Engine Cinematics"
The brief course is tailored for beginners to introduce them to simple cinematics in UE Sequencer. This process will set them free to explore the world of real-time rendering in Unreal Engine and game engines in general. After the course, participants will be able to create their own shorts and cinematics in this technique.
Deadline for applications: 1st August 2023
Time and location: 19–21 September 2023, Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Number of participants: 8–10
Participation fee: 300,00 €
Accommodation and meals are included. Participants need to cover their travel costs.
Please send your application and add:
- a short CV,
- a motivational letter for attending the workshop (up to 1 page).

Second GoChile Astronomy Summer School
The Summer School is designed for secondary-school students interested in astronomy. The participants will perform the main project activities by using the GoChile telescope - the first Slovenian telescope in Chile. In small groups they will, under the supervision of their mentors, carry out and present a simple research project. They will develop their observational skills also by working with the telescopes they will be set in the vicinity of the venue. Moreover, at afternoon lectures they will broaden their theoretical knowledge about the areas and topics such as cosmology, black holes, dark matter and cosmic particles.
Time and location:
13th–19st August 2023; Lešnik Tourist Farm near Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
The School is organised by the School of Science of the University of Nova Gorica in collaboration with the Faculty of Polymer Technology in Slovenj Gradec and the Faculty of Environmental Protection in Velenje. The Cosmolab Institute also takes an active part in the organising of the school's activities.
The Summer School is funded within the framework of the project "Promoting STE(A)M studies for the professions of the future", financed by the Ministry for Higher Education, Science and Innovation.
More (page in Slovenian)

Impressions from the Summer School Formal, Computational and Experimental Approaches in Linguistics 2023 (FEAL 2023)
In Avgust 2023, the Summer School Formal, Computational and Experimental Approaches in Linguistics 2023 (FEAL 2023) took place at the Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany. Students from Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Romania and Slovenia were attending lectures in Chemnitz while also enjoying the city that, together with Gorizia and Nova Gorica, will be the European capital of culture in 2025. Other students from Croatia, Italy, Slovenia and India were actively following the summer school remotely through the MiTeam platform.
As a collaboration among the University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia), University of Craiova (Romania), and University of Udine (Italy), FEAL 2023 represents an interdisciplinary training opportunity for BA, MA and PhD students from linguistics, applied mathematics, psychology, and neuroscience. The above mentioned universities organised the FEAL 2023 summer school as part of the European Cross-Border University (ACROSS) network.

Summer School Formal, Computational and Experimental Approaches in Linguistics 2023 (FEAL 2023)
The European Cross-Border University (ACROSS) announces the Summer School Formal, Computational and Experimental Approaches in Linguistics 2023 (FEAL 2023).
As a collaboration among the University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia), University of Craiova (Romania), and University of Udine (Italy), FEAL 2023 represents an interdisciplinary training opportunity for BA, MA and PhD students from linguistics, applied mathematics, psychology, and neuroscience.
It will address research topics in contemporary linguistics through formal, computational, and experimental approaches.
We invite interested students to send their applications, including a motivation letter, a short CV, and a transcript of records at the email address:
Deadline for application: 06/07/2023
Website of FEAL 2023:
Further information:
Time and location:
31 July – 04 August 2023; Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany

REGINNA 4.0 First Summer School: Deep Tech training with impact on entrepreneurship and innovation
The REGINNA 4.0 consortium partners invite you to join the REGINNA 4.0 First Summer School: Deep Tech training with impact on entrepreneurship and innovation that will focus on the training of talents in the technological areas of Nanotechnology and Industry 4.0. This event will connect students with academics, businesses, public bodies and non-governmental organisations to explore innovations, business development and transfer of ideas from laboratory to the market. The curriculum will include the following topics:
- Novel materials
- Intersection with Quantum Technology
- Deep Learning and Nanotechnology Applications
Industry 4.0
- Introduction to Industry 4.0
- AI in quality control and product development
- Lean Manufacturing & Cybersecurity
- Tourism 4.0
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship fundamentals
- Innovation and product development
- Lean startup methodology
- Intellectual property and commercialization
To maximise the impacts the Summer School will have a hybrid format. The Summer School is organized within the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) framework. Upon successfully completed examination, the participants will receive an EIT-Labelled certificate, enabling them to obtain 3 ECTS points at their bachelor's or master's study programme.
The conference registration and attendance are free of charge.
The candidates who wish to attend the summer school in person, can submit a request for the coverage of accommodation expenses (limited number, therefore we kindly ask you to register as soon as possible). The number of participants attending online is not limited.
School's website, the programme and the registration form:
Organisers: University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia; University of Udine, Italy; University of León, Spain; Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine.
Time and venue:
3rd–14th July 2023; hybrid mode
Venue: MIC, Medpodjetniški izobraževalni center, Cankarjeva ul. 8a, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia
and online

Summer School: Animation in Motion
Together with theStoptrik stop motion Festival the School od Arts of the University of Nova Gorica is organising a 3-phase workshop of concept-based animation filmmaking, specifically in stop motion animation, where practical execution of the students' short animated project concludes the process of learning critical approaches to media and understanding film as a complex mode of artistic communication.
Time and location: 23rd September–2nd October 2022, in person 25th September–2nd October 2022, Maribor, Slovenia

Summer School: International Summer School on Bilingualism and Multilingualism
The European Cross-Border University (ACROSS) is happy to announce the “International Summer School on Bilingualism and Multilingualism” (ISSBM 2022).
The international summer school is intended for BA, MA and PhD students interested in the field of Linguistics with a focus on bilingualism, multilingualism and second language acquisition. We will also cover topics related with heritage and minorities languages. This summer school will offer an immersive and interdisciplinary learning experience on multiple aspects related on multilingualism, facilitated by an access to international networks. Together with the courses, all attendees will have the opportunity to present their work in a research session; students will have the opportunity to present current or previous projects, upon abstract submission.
This summer school is financed by ACROSS - EUROPEAN CROSS-BORDER UNIVERSITY.
We will provide 15 students with a scholarship.
The summer school will be in situ but there is also the opportunity to participate online.
Organizers: Greta Mazzaggio (University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia) & Paolo Lorusso (University of Udine, Italy)
Speakers: Paolo Lorusso (University of Udine), Greta Mazzaggio (University of Nova Gorica), Penka Stateva (University of Nova Gorica), Artur Stepanov (University of Nova Gorica), Angelo Variano (University of Udine), Alessandra Zappoli (University of Nova Gorica).
Time and location:
12th–16th September 2022; Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany
Direct link to the programme
Download Flyer

Summer School: Intimacy in Women's Writing and Reading
This International Summer School is intended for MA and PhD students who have research and future professional interests in women writers and related issues.
The school is organised by the CEEPUS Women Writers in History Network and the Women Writers Route Association, within the framework of the European Women Writers Course, offered by the School of Humanities (MA Programme Slovene Studies) of the University of Nova Gorica.
Time and location:
22nd–27th August 2022; Ljubljana, Nova Gorica, Slovenia

GoChile Astronomy Summer School
The Summer School is designed for secondary-school students interested in astronomy. The participants will perform the main project activities by using the GoChile telescope. In small groups they will, under the supervision of their mentors, carry out and present a simple research project. They will develop their observational skills also by working with the telescopes they will set in the vicinity of Ajdovščina. Moreover, at afternoon lectures they will broaden their theoretical knowledge about the areas and topics such as cosmology, black holes, dark matter and cosmic particles.
The School is organised and funded by the University of Nova Gorica within the framework of the project "Promocija študija s STE(A)M področij za poklice prihodnosti", financed by the Ministry for Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia, in cooperation with the Cosmolab Institute.
Time and location:
26th–31st August 2022; Youth Centre Mladinski kulturni center Hiša mladih Ajdovščina, Ajdovščina, Slovenia
More (page in Slovenian)

Photo: School's archives
Into Blue Futures: A Speculative Workshop in Strategic Foresight
The Metamedia Association in collaboration with The Arts Academy in Split (Croatia) and the University of Nova Gorica(Slovenia) is organising a Speculative Design workshop under the title “Into Blue Futures: A Speculative Workshop in Strategic Foresight ’’. The workshop will be led by Maja Grakalic and pETER Purg.
In this workshop, participants will explore tools and methods of Strategic Foresight, a discipline that works closely with Speculative Design, and combine them with particular approaches in Art Thinking. The workshop will be held during the 24th edition of the Media Mediterranea festival.
The workshop topics will address this year’s festival’s theme “Worlding the Hydrosphere”, in particular the burning issues of marine and maritime worlds, coastal communities, their manifold ecologies and challenges of sustainability, post-tourism, sea-borne migrations, oceanic and archipelagic thinking, climate change, energy consumption, post-growth, etc. Is there a space for a new kind of (Blue) Humanities to emerge?
Time and location: 1st–6th August 2022, Association of Technical Culture (Zajednica Tehničke kulture), Pula, Croatia

ICPPP21 Summer School: Photothermal and Photoacoustic Techniques: Theory, Instrumentation, and Applications
The International School was intended for graduate students who have research and future professional interests in photonics, photothermal and photoacoustic techniques and related issues, and their fundamental, biomedical and technological applications.
The summer school is organised by the Graduate School of the University of Nova Gorica in cooperation with the The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Italy).
Time and location:
18th and 19th June 2022; University of Nova Gorica, Lathieri Mansion, Vipava, Slovenia
Queries about the programme:
Queries about applications, accommodation, transfer etc.:

The MAST project: Summer schools and other events
The is an open-source module designed to guide students through methods that foster innovation and inspiration in the milieu of art, technology and science. One of the project partners is also the School of Arts of the University of Nova Gorica.