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EMMIR scholarship

A call for scholarship applications are opened every year.


Republiški zavod za zaposlovanje (Slovenia’s Office for Employment) annually publishes tenders for professional and national scholarships.

Each academic year students can apply for the following scholarships:

Professional scholarships

Professional scholarships, normally offered by various companies. For the whole of Slovenia the tender for these scholarships is normally published in March in the special editions of the National Office for Employment. Candidates submit their applications directly to the companies offering the scholarships. We would recommend that candidates contact the human resources department of the company offering the scholarship they are interested in, and obtain detailed information on the application dates and documents required for application.
In the first part of the tender are professional scholarships offered by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the posts in public administration.

The national and ZOIS scholarships

Zois scholarships are state merit scholarships, first established in 1986. The basic guideline of the system was detection of gifted children and promotion of development of their careers so they would achieve the highest level of education and thus providing the society with the best human potential.

Foreign students that would be coming to Slovenia under a special bilateral/multilateral agreement or reciprocity exists between Slovenia and their country of origin in terms of scholarships could be eligible for Zois scholarship provided they meet all general and special conditions and placed high enough in ranking.

Scholarships offered by various foundations

Scholarships offered by various foundations, which are private or state institutions. The aim of the foundations is to financially support successful candidates, and the criteria for obtaining the scholarships vary from the social, regional to political ones. Some of the foundations include The Foundation of dr Anton Trstenjak, Foundation Ana, Slovene scientific foundation, Educational foundation of Pomurje region, Foundation Ajda at Peasants Society, Student development fund of the Faculty of Economics, etc. The tenders for scholarships are normally published in the newspapers and on the internet.

Slovene Human Resources Development and Schoolarship Fund

The Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund conducts various scholarship programs for Slovenes and foreign students coming to Slovenia.

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