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Nova Gorica

City municipality Nova Gorica covers 309 km2 and has 35.502 inhabitants which makes it the largest municipality in Severnoprimorska region.

For this municipality the position between Mediterranean, Alps and Continental Europe is characteristic. Important is her traffic position with Po lowland at the southwest, Soča river going to the north up well into the Alps and central Slovenia with roads also to Panonia lowlands in the southeast. Very diferentiated terrain of this municipaly has different natural units all connected by waters of Soča river. At southwest we have Sabotin (609 m) mountain. Mountain like terrain continues on the left side of the river with the right part of High Kras, and southwest parts of Dinaridi with Banjščica plateau and Trnovski gozd. These two are separated by dry valley Čepovanski Dol. Southeren part of the municipality rises to Karst, a region from which the word “kras” comes from. All around the world Kras and the research and findings about it are known. Central part of the municipality is Vipava valley with its wines. This is a kind of a backbone of local industry and settlement because highland is only scarcely inhabited.

Above the territory mainland and Mediterranean winds are in contact and thus create unusual weather scenes and phenomena. It is mostly the colder climate at High Kras and warmer sub Mediterranean climate in the valley.

Amongst marked and rare weather conditions we have extremely strong showers, ice drops, black ice and the Kras bora (extremely strong wind). Besides climatic also geologic, geomorphologic, hydrologic, zoological and botanic transition is noted. If we look at agrarian aspect, the most important are viticulture and fruit growing. Farming can’t be fully developed because of harsh climate extremes. Usual droughts are opposed by irrigation from artificial lake Vogršček. Extremely important is logging up at High Kras.

Industrially the municipality is well developed. There are many companies built based upon traditional local crafts. After 1987, the number of workplaces in industry has dropped. More and more people work in services. The municipality is situated next to Italy which is beneficial to the development of local economy.

Nova Gorica Tourist information center


Avtobusna postaja Nova Gorica (Bus station Nova Gorica)
Kidričeva 22
SI-5000 Nova Gorica
T: +386 5 330 3130

Železniška postaja Nova Gorica (Train station Nova Gorica
Kolodvorska pot 8
SI-5000 Nova Gorica
T: +386 5 296 3700 (central office)
T: +386 5 296 3918 (travel office)

Goriška knjižnica Franceta Bevka Nova Gorica (Library)
Trg Edvarda Kardelja 4
SI-5000 Nova Gorica
T: +386 5 330 9100

PDG primorsko dramsko gledališče (Theatre)
Trg Edvarda Kardelja 5
SI-5000 Nova Gorica
T: +386 5 335 2200

Kulturni dom Nova Gorica (Cultural centre)
Bevkov trg 4
SI-5000 Nova Gorica
T: +386 5 335 4010

Športna zveza Nova Gorica (Sports association)
Bazoviška 4
SI-5000 Nova Gorica
T: +386 5 330 2020