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Living permits for foreigners

Foreigners with a valid permit for living who have not logged in their temporary address of living must do so at the nearest administrative unit in three days after they move in their residence or three days from the day they got the residence permit.

Foreigners who do not have a valid living permit must log themselves in at the nearest police station in a period of three days after crossing the border or changing their residence.

For the login at the administrative unit you will need a valid living permit and also some proof that you have a legal basis for living at the address of you residence. For proof you can bring the lease agreement of written consent of the owner to co-owner of the apartment.


Nova Gorica: Upravna enota – Referat za javni red in mir, potne listine in tujce
Trg Edvarda Kardelja 1, 5102 Nova Gorica
T: +386 5 330 6100
E: ue.novagorica@gov.si

Citizens of the European economic area (EEA) member countries

Citizens of these countries have to go to sign in at the police station if they are planning to live in Republic Slovenia for a period that is shorter than 3 months.

If they plan to live more than 3 months they need to ask for a Residence Registration Certificate at the administrative unit in the area in which they plan to live. Certificate is given on the basis of studying in the Republic Slovenia.

Documentation that you will need is:

  1. Valid personal identification card or valid passport
  2. Documentation about enrolment in the educational institution
  3. Health insurance
  4. Enough financial aid for living which have to be higher than the social help that Republic Slovenia gives their citizens. All you need to prove this is a statement that you have enough money to live in Slovenia.

If you fulfill the conditions for the issue of a Residence Registration Certificate, the certificate shall be issued for five years or for the period of planned residence in the Republic of Slovenia, whichever is shorter. The Registration Residence Certificate may be renewed at request under the same conditions for which it was issued.

Citizens of countries that are not members of EEA

Citizens of these countries that come to Republic Slovenia for study, education, specialization or professional training and practical training, co-operation or participation in international volunteer exchange programmes and other programmes that are not included in the formal education system, in general must apply for the residence permit.

Foreign citizen must gain the permit for first living in Republic Slovenia before he enters the country (by article 28 of Foreigners Act), application must be made with the diplomatic-consular representations of Republic Slovenia in the foreign country or with the a competent organ in Republic Slovenia that can issue a permit.

Residence permit for study purposes is given on the basis of:

  1. Proof of enrolment in the study program, education, specialization of technical education which is issued by the educational facility
  2. Certified photocopy of a valid passport which has to be valid for at least three months more than is a period of living in Republic Slovenia
  3. Proof of heath insurance
  4. Proof of financial aid for living which have to be higher than the social help that Republic Slovenia gives their citizens. All you need to prove this is a statement that you have enough money to live in Slovenia.
  5. Proof that you haven’t committed a crime in your home country

All the documentation has to be in Slovenia language and must be certified.

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