Call for applications for scholarships of the Scholarship Fund of the University of Nova Gorica for the academic year 2024/2025

1. Scholarships are available for the following study programmes:

  • Master degree programme in Environment
  • Master degree programme in Physics and Astrophysics
  • Master degree programme in Materials Science
  • Master degree programme in Leadership in Open Education
  • Master degree programme in Viticulture and Enology
  • Master degree programme in Media Arts and Practices

2. Amount of funds available for scholarships

The total approximate amount of funds available for scholarships according to this application call is EUR 111.600.

Scholarships for the academic year 2024/2025 amount to EUR 3.600 for each year of study, until the completion of the educational programme. The selected scholarship recipient[1] will be awarded scholarships for the academic year 2024/2025 and, subject to eligibility, may continue to receive it until the end of his studies, as specified in Art. 3.2 of the call for applications. In the event of suspending the studies for justifiable reasons (such as suspension of student status due to maternity or prolonged illness), the scholarship will not be paid and the scholarship payments are discontinued and suspended. Payment of the remainder of the grant will continue after the cessation of the student status. Students cannot receive the scholarship in the year in which they repeat a study year or have their student status extended for justified reasons, or during the 12 months following the end of the last semester.

3. Application procedure and deadline for submission

The University sets the deadline for the submission of applications from the date of publication of the Call on the University's website or other means of public communication up to and including September 13, 2024 at 12.00 Central European Time (receipt theory).

The application, including all required enclosures, must be sent to the University of Nova Gorica at the following e-mail address

Read more information in the Call.