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Ajdovščina has about 7000 inhabitants. It is the largest city in Vipava valley. The city has an extremelly rich and diversified history that goes back to 3rd century A.D. At that time romans have built a settlement with the name Ad Fluvidum Frigidum (At The Cold River). The settlement served as a road station on the way from Italy to Panonia and to Balcans. Important event for Ajdovščina has been in the year 451, when Atila on his way to Italy destroys Castra – a military encampment with the wall battlement. From this time on to the year 1507 we know little of the place but on that year Caesar Maximilian I. gives to the area rights of a market town. This speeds the development again.

An interesting combination of first roman buildings and later medieval building gives to Ajdovščina a special appeal. Especially the eastern city veduta with renewed part of wall battlement, the tower and into the wall battlement included renaissance castle arcades. At the base of the building of the new market and in the small square in front of it a visitor can see how the old roman termae looked like.

On the left bank of river Hubelj are Šturje. This area has been a settlement by itself and has unique properties. The buildings were built around the church of St. Gussepe and the center creates a square of uneven sites. Into this square shorter and longer narrow streets converge. A particularity of this part are picturesques facades, small courtyards and squares with specific architectural and stone made details. A hamlet Trnje pops out too because it managed to preserve the peculiar tloris arrangement typical of the local settlements.

Architectural and historical specialties are only a part of what Ajdovščina offers today to its visitors. It also has a sports airfield, a sports hall and sports playgrounds, a great painter Veno Pilon gallery and tourist events which occur every year. Ajdovščina is also a birthplace of important slovene artists; apart from Veno Pilon also the writer Danilo Lokar and the painter Anton Cebej. Besides all this Ajdovščina has a highly developped secondary industry, wood industry, textile industry and building industry.

In Ajdovščina on the 5th of May 1945 the first Slovene governement was established. Bratina Hall where the session took place was latter renovated and changed into the movie thatre. A monumental plaque is a testimony of a glorious slovene event. Beside it is an axonometric display of the city with late antique wall battlement.


Avtobusna postaja Ajdovščina (Bus station)
Župančičeva 8
SI-5270 Ajdovščina
T: +386 (05) 364 4170

Železniška postaja Ajdovščina (Train station)
Cesta IV. Prekomorske 1
SI-5270 Ajdovščina
T: +386 5 366 1328

Lekarna Ajdovščina (Pharmacy)
Cesta 5.maja 1
5270 Ajdovščina

Športni center Police (Sports centre)
Lokarjev drevored 14
SI-5270 Ajdovščina
T: +386 5 366 3557
F: +386 5 366 2678