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Darko Ilin, mag. fil. znan.

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Darko Ilin (1996) was born in Smederevo, Serbia. In 2020, he graduated from the Department of Serbian Literature with South Slavic Literatures of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade. In parallel with his bachelor studies, he attended courses at the Centre for the Slovene language at the same faculty. He obtained his master's degree in the Cultures in dialogue study program at the Faculty of Philology in 2021 with a master's thesis on Louis Adamič. From 2022, he is a doctoral student at the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies at the University of Nova Gorica, majoring in Humanities. During his studies, he went on two half-year CEEPUS exchange programmes, in 2018 at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, at the Department of Slovene Studies and at the Department of Comparative Literature, and in 2019 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences in Rijeka, at the Department of Croatian Studies and at the Department of Cultural Studies. In 2018, he organized the international student conference "Cankar i(n) mi" at the Centre for Slovene language in Belgrade and edited the collection of papers from the conference. He has been employed at the Research Center for the Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica since 2023.

In his research work, Darko Ilin focuses on gender studies and especially critical studies of men and masculinity in the context of literary studies. The focal points of his research are Slovenian and South Slavic literatures from the perspective of gender, queerness, intercultural contacts, immigrant writing and ideology. He focuses on 19th and 20th century literature in a comparative context and on the publishing and educational aspects of the literary system.

Darko Ilin, mag. fil. znan.