prof. dr. Henrik Gjerkeš
Organisational units:
49-Dvorec Lanthieri Vipava
05 6205 830
torki, 15.00 - 16.00 oz. po predhodni najavi
Course principal:
Power Engineering and Environment, 2. year
Bachelor's degree programme Engineering and Management (first cycle) -
Environmentally Friendly Technologies, 2. year
Bachelor's programme in Environment (first cycle) -
Optimization procedures in environmental protection, 1. year
Master’s study programme Environment (second cycle) -
Optimization procedures in environmental protection, 2. year
Master’s study programme Environment (second cycle) -
Strategies and Technologies for Waste Treatment, 1. year
Master’s study programme Environment (second cycle) -
Sustainability and sustainable development, 2. year
Doctoral study programme Environmental Sciences -
Introduction to modern technological systems, 1. year
Master's degree programme Engineering and Management (second cycle)
Power Engineering and Environment, 2. year
Bachelor's degree programme Engineering and Management (first cycle) -
Environmentally Friendly Technologies, 2. year
Bachelor's programme in Environment (first cycle) -
Optimization procedures in environmental protection, 1. year
Master’s study programme Environment (second cycle) -
Optimization procedures in environmental protection, 2. year
Master’s study programme Environment (second cycle) -
Strategies and Technologies for Waste Treatment, 1. year
Master’s study programme Environment (second cycle) -
Sustainability and sustainable development, 2. year
Doctoral study programme Environmental Sciences -
Introduction to modern technological systems, 1. year
Master's degree programme Engineering and Management (second cycle)