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Ways of cooperation

The goal of the University of Nova Gorica Career Center is to establish contacts with potential employers, present the profiles of our graduates and the knowledge and competencies they acquire during their studies. This type of cooperation is also useful for employers, because you can meet potential candidates for employment through various forms of cooperation. We present some ways of cooperation of the Career Center with employers.

1. Practical training

You can get to know the competencies of students and graduates through practical training or involving students in the work environment. On the other hand, students and graduates through practical training increase their employment opportunities.

2. Study visits of students to real work environments (professional excursions)

Professional excursions and study visits of students of the University of Nova Gorica in your company.

3. Events for employers

We organize events for employers, where we present the professions for which we train our students at UNG. We design the events by inviting the target employers who employ certain profiles.

4. Company presentations at the University

We enable you to present your company to students of target School.

5. Support in selecting suitable candidates

We can help you with the shortlist of suitable candidates for the job. Namely, the Career Center knows the candidates from its base and cooperates with them, so we can help with selection.

6. Advertising job vacancies

You can send us job vacancies in your company. We will publish them among our students and graduates.

7. Scholarships for students

Through long-term staff planning, you can ensure the development of appropriate staff.

8. Cooperation through diploma, master's, seminar and project assignments

Companies can suggest topics on which students can work for their final assignment. The topics will be also supported by mentors at UNG schools.

9. Collaboration with UNG alumni

We establish a lot of cooperation with employers in companies where our graduates are employed (study visits, practical training, mentoring, etc.), because through them employers learn about the competencies of UNG graduates.

10. Workshops for students

Workshops to strengthen the employment competencies of students and graduates (eg test selection interviews, speed dating with employers).

Become our partner - connect with the UNG Career Center. By working together, we are stronger and more successful.