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Jana Gregorič - School of Engineering and Management

Jana Gregorič - MSc in Engineering and Management

Jana, why did you decide to study engineering and management? If you had to decide today, with all your experience, would you take the same decision?
I decided to study engineering and management because I wanted something different from my peers who decided to study economy. I wanted to stand out and become something more than an economist and obtain also knowledge other than pure economy. Studying engineering and management gave me a broad knowledge, which I still continuously use to solve everyday problems.
I also found my compulsory practical placement in a company very important, as it gave me my first employment opportunity.
If I had to decide what to study today, I would still choose the programme Engineering and Management. I would also go for an international exchange for studies and diploma thesis preparation, I actually regret the fact that I didn’t take this opportunitty during my studies.

Where do you work and what is your position? What are your main work tasks? Is your work based on a regualr daily routine or is it heterogeneous?
I work at the Incom, d. o. o., Leone company in Ajdovščina, which is the largest ice-cream producer in Slovenia. I hold the position of the key account manager and my work is far from routine tasks. Each day is special and different. As a key account manager I am responsible for the Franch, German, Italian and Spanish markets. My role is to develop the right type of ice-cream to be successfully sold on the target market, taking into account our customer and our R&D; department facilities. My work also includes a lot of business trips, taking part in various fairs and market research.

Who (within you company or elsewhere) do you mostly cooperate with and what are the greatest challenges? How did the university prepare you for that? What did you like most about your studies?
I cooperate with almost all the departments within our company – the R&D; department, the technologists in production, logistics, the purchasing department, finances, and, outside the company, with various chain stores. The School of Engineering and Management gave me a broad knowledge indeed.

Where did you perform your practical placement? What are, in your opinion, the main advantage of practical placements?
I performed my practical placement at the Sweet Randi, d. o. o., company, covering the import of foreign trademarks of sweets, which are sold in shops in Slovenia. It was very useful to transfer the theory into practice on the spot.

Your study programme offered a large variety of elective courses. Which courses did you choose? Have you been using this knowledge ever since?
If I remember correctly, I chose English, Sociology of Organization nad Business Communication and Industrial Design. The courses are very practically-oriented and I find the knowledge I obtained very useful at work. The lecturers were mostly people who had entrepreneurial experience and not merely lecturers who would not have any experience within companies but just teach at the university.

Whom would you recommend this study programme and the profession itself?
I would recommend it to all those who wish to be different from the »traditional economists«. If they wish to get new knowledge and a broad view of the world. In order not to look at everything just through numbers but rather be able to interpret these numbers and seek for technological and purchasing solutions how to improve these numbers.
If years ago one dediced what to study only on the basis of what was »cool« back then, today you have to choose a study programme which you not only like but the one that also guarantees you employment prospects afterwards.
A good tip for prospective students: when you complete your undergraduate studies, find a job. I completed my master’s studies while working and in this way I actually gained more, as I was able to bring together theory and practice.