
The graduation of our PhD students Taj Jankovič (advisor Prof. Andreja Gomboc) and Miha Živec (advisor Prof. Samo Stanič) on 7.12.2023.

On 28.11.2023, the long-standing head of the CAC and the distinguished rector of the University of Nova Gorica, professor. Danilo Zavrtanik received the Zois Award for lifetime achievements in the field of astroparticle and experimental particle physics. Photo by Marjan Verč.

On 1.12.2020 Prof. Dr. Andrej Filipčič, Prof. Dr. Samo Stanič and Prof. Dr. Marko Zavrtanik received the highest state award for science (Zois award) for their research findings concerning cosmic particles at extreme energies.

On 25. 02. 2019 CAC members Prof. Dr. Tanja Petrushevska and Prof. Dr. Gabrijela Zaharijaš were rewarded a prize 'Jabolko navdiha’ by the President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor for their contribution to the astrophysics research. They are pictured together with the PhD students from CAC/UNG in the image on the right during the ceremony in the Presidential Palace.

CAC members Prof. Dr. Tanja Petrushevska and Prof. Dr. Gabrijela Zaharijaš are pictured together with the PhD students from CAC/UNG during the ceremony in the Presidential Palace.

Our PhD student Lukas Zehrer, during his work at the Pierre Auger Observatory (with the Andes in the background, in Malargüe, Mendoza, Argentina, 30. 11. 2018).

On 23.11.2018 a group of researchers and students from UNG attended the 11th Slovenian Physics Conference in Dobrna.

On 20.11.2015 Prof. Dr. Andreja Gomboc received the highest state award for science (Zois award) for her research findings concerning gamma ray bursts.

The graduation of our MSc student Nada Ihanec (advisors Prof. Dr. Andreja Gomboc (UNG) and dr. hab. Łukasz Wyrzykowski (University of Warsaw) on 27.11.2018.

Slovenian Pierre Auger team on Sep. 14, 2017. From left to right: Danilo Zavrtanik, Lili Yang, Ahmed Saleh, Marta Trini, Gašper Kukec Mezek, Sergey Vorobyev, Andrej Filipčič, Marko Zavrtanik and Samo Stanič.