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The world-renowned Oxford University Press published the second edition of the scientific monograph by Prof. Dr. Tanja Pipan

Date of publication: 6. 8. 2019

Ten years after the first edition, the world-renowned Oxford University Press published the second edition of the scientific monograph of the associate of the University of Nova Gorica, and the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU from Postojna, Prof. Dr. Tanja Pipan, The Biology of Caves and Other Subterranean Habitats (Biologija jam in drugih podzemeljskih habitatov).

The monograph is the result of many years of collaboration with a world-renowned professor in the field of biology and evolution of subterranean organisms and subterranean habitats, Prof. Dr. David C. Culver from American University (Washington, DC).

The book was first published in 2009, and in 2014, the same authors published the monograph Shallow Subterranean Habitats: Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation (Plitvi podzemeljski habitati: ekologija, evolucija in varovanje) with the same publisher. The second edition of the first mentioned book has been updated and improved due to excellent reader response.

The scientific work is one of the first integrated syntheses that contributes to a true understanding of the biology and ecology of subterranean habitats. It is notable for its rich selection of examples of organisms, caves, and other subterranean habitats, the presentation of groups of subterranean organisms and subterranean species, and the description of adaptations of subterranean organisms. The emphasis is placed on the description of biological processes in this unique environment, and its protection and management. One of the many positive reviews indicates, inter alia, that "many years of Professor Culver's experience in active research and the drawing up of scientific journalism, his recognition as a top world-class scientist of subterranean ecology and biology, and Prof. Dr. Pipan's innovativeness and modern approaches to the research of selected subterranean habitats, are a unique combination of quality and excellent achievements, as well as the scientific research results presented in the monograph".

Andreja Leba, Public Relations