Preskoči na glavno vsebino

Prosto delovno mesto: ZNANSTVENI SODELAVEC s področja RAZISKAV GRAFENA

Datum objave: 18. 9. 2012

The Laboratory of Organic Matter Physics of the University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia) is seeking an experienced researcher in the field of graphene-based material systems

Application deadline: 15. 10. 2012

The position is open within project Strengthening University of Nova Gorica Research Potential in Environmental Sciences and Novel Nanomaterials (SUNGREEN) cofinanced under Framework Programme 7 (Call: FP7-REGPOT-2011-1) with duration until 30.9.2014.
Conversion to a tenure track position is possible.

The successful candidate will complement the research group at our Laboratory for organic matter physics. The Laboratory for organic matter physics is active in the research of initial stages of growth of organic semiconductors (OS) on graphene, and in the area of transport properties of OS/graphene systems. We plan to extend the research to the area of graphene-based electronic devices and characterization of electronic properties of graphene and graphene/OS interfaces by means of time-resolved ultraviolet and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy that will become available upon completion of a new facility at the University of Nova Gorica.

Fields of work and research:

  • Experimental solid state physics with the emphasis on graphene electronic and transport properties and/or graphene-based electronic devices.
  • For more information on Laboratory of Organic Matter Physics activities, please contact: prof. Gvido Bratina (


  • a Ph.D. in Physics
  • at least two years of postdoctoral experience from the fields related to the job description
  • broad experience in fabrication and characterization of graphene and graphene-based electronic devices, e.g. thin film transistors, by means of transport measurements and scanning force microscopy is a must
  • some experience in the area of x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and related techniques is also required
  • experience in ultra-high vacuum and vacuum evaporation is a plus

  • demonstrated ability to promote and perform independent work in a group-oriented research environment
  • a distinguished publication record
  • very good oral and written communication skills in English are essential
  • those interested in a tenured position will be required to effectively communicate in Slovenian within three years after obtaining the tenure
  • The application should include:

  • cover letter,
  • CV including contact details
  • list of relevant publications
  • two letters of recommendations
  • it would be advantageous for the candidate to submit a tentative plan of research activities (max. 2 pages)