Bachelor’s degree programme Engineering and Management (first cycle)

Study programme:Bachelor's degree programme Engineering and Management (first cycle)
Main fields of study:Engineering and Management
Programme code:1GI
Programme cycle:First cycle professional degree
Name of the qualification:Diploma
Qualification title:diplomirani gospodarski inženir (VS) (Bachelor of Applied Science)
Qualification abbreviation:dipl.gosp.inž. (VS) (B.A.Sc.)
Final examination:no
Dean:prof. dr. Imre Cikajlo
Programme director:prof. dr. Imre Cikajlo

Programme description

The full time course comprises of lectures, practical work sessions, an industrial placement, and a final Diploma thesis. The programme lasts 6 semesters and focuses on general fileds of study in the first three semesters, while specialised subjects are covered in the next three semesters. Teaching language is Slovene. Industrial placement in one of the local companies is 12 weeks long and takes place in the fifth semester.

An obligatory course and an Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Planning course in the third year assume that students master key topics from the first two years which are interdisciplinary connected in these two subjects.

In the diploma thesis, students typically continue with the project they carried out during their industrial placement. This allows for more thorough problem solving connected with a concrete working environment.

Curriculum of the bachelor's degree programme Engineering and Management

Admission requirements

Completion of a four-year secondary education programme and a matura examination, a vocational matura examination or final examination. In case of limited admission, the selection criteria comprise the candidate's final grade at the matura or final examination (60% points) and his/her overall achievement in the 3rd and 4th year (40% points).

Educational and professional goals

A graduate in Engineering and Management is able to provide solutions for managing, engineering and economic problems in a company.

Areas of work include:

  • management of technological and business systems;
  • management of industrial production processes;
  • planning, managing and assessing investment projects;
  • planning strategic and operational develoment;
  • marketing of engineering services and industrial products;
  • development of technological processes; management of computer aided systems.

Access to further studies

Graduates can enter undergraduate programmes of the university type, post-graduate programmes leading to specialization, and other post-graduate programmes, according to the recommendations issued by the respective institution of higher education in the pre-enrolment announcement for undergraduate and post-graduate study programmes.

At the School of Engineering and Management we offer a Master's programme in Engineering and Management, prepared in alignement with recommendations of the Bologna declaration.


The forms of checking and evaluating knowledge in individual courses are as follows: written exams, oral exams, colloquiums and seminar assignments. Successful completion of assignments from exercises and seminar assignments is a condition for taking the exam. As part of the practical training, the student prepares an interim and final report, which he orally defends.

Diploma thesis

Special emphasis is placed on the diploma thesis, which is an independent professional work through which the graduate proves that he or she systematically uses the acquired knowledge to solve challenging tasks in the field of engineering and management. In the thesis, the student investigates and solves a specific task, and the topic of the thesis is approved in advance by the school senate based on a written proposal. This determines the mentor and the committee for the evaluation of the thesis. The student completes his studies with a public defense of his thesis before a three-member committee.

1. year

Compulsory courses Hours ECTS
Basics of information and communication technologies 100 4
Business Mathematics (n) 100 4
Digital resource & document management 100 4
Economics and Organization of the Enterprise (n) 250 10
Electrical Engineering (n) 175 7
Engineering Chemistry 175 7
Marketing strategies, web and new media 175 7
Technical Mathematics 175 7
Technical Physics 250 10

2. year

Compulsory courses Hours ECTS
Accountancy and Business Finances 150 6
Business information systems 175 7
Contract law and law of intellectual property 125 5
Introduction to Control Systems 250 10
Manufacturing systems 150 6
Power Engineering and Environment 150 6
Statistics 75 3
Web Technologies 125 5
General elective courses Hours ECTS
English 150 6
Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Planning 150 6
Human Resource Management 150 6
Logistics 150 6
Sociology of Organization and Business Communication 150 6
Technical elective courses Hours ECTS
Computer aided design 150 6
Computer programming 150 6
Information security 150 6
Mobile Technologies 150 6

3. year

Compulsory courses Hours ECTS
Diploma Thesis - 6
Electronic Business 150 6
Methods of System Engineering 150 6
Practical placement 480 24
Project Management 150 6
General elective courses Hours ECTS
English 150 6
Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Planning 150 6
Human Resource Management 150 6
Logistics 150 6
Sociology of Organization and Business Communication 150 6
Technical elective courses Hours ECTS
Computer aided design 150 6
Computer programming 150 6
Information security 150 6
Mobile Technologies 150 6