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Postdoctoral research assistant in the field of experimental linguistics/ psycholinguistics/ cognitive science

Date of publication: 17. 5. 2018
Jobs external

The Center for Cognitive Science of Language of the University of Nova Gorica (http://ung.si/ckzj/en) invites applications for a limited-term postdoctoral research assistant (m / f) position in experimental linguistics/ psycholinguistics/ cognitive science.

Application deadline: position is closed.

The successful candidate will work within the project “Advancing The European Multilingual Experience” (AThEME; FP7; grant agreement 613465, www.atheme.eu), which is the source of funding for the advertized position. The project studies several dimensions of multilingualism in Europe. It involves 17 institutions across 8 European countries and runs from March 2014 until February 2019. As part of the project consortium, members of the Center are involved in investigating syntactic and pragmatic aspects of multilingualism, the role of the regional languages, as well as potential cognitive benefits of multilingualism. The candidate will work on one of the abovementioned project subtopics, depending on their previous experience and qualifications.

The successful candidate will be employed full-time (40 hours per week) for a limited term, until the end of the project, i.e., until February 28, 2019.

Applicants are expected to * have a Ph.D. degree, * have a strong background in theoretically-grounded experimental linguistics, psycholinguistics and/or cognitive science, preferably experimental syntax or pragmatics. Proven research experience in linguistic and/or cognitive aspects of multilingualism is an advantage, * be able to work independently, as well as work in a team taking an active role in designing, organizing and conducting behavioral experiments, * have a fluent command of English. Native or near-native fluency in Italian, German or Slovenian is a plus but not a requirement.

The location of the Center for Cognitive Science of Language is in Nova Gorica, on the border between Slovenia and Italy. The Center has an experimental lab featuring modern eye-tracking equipment.

Candidates should submit the following documents in electronic format: * cover letter * CV (including a list of publications) * education certificates * a short research statement * a copy of a representative publication * two reference contacts (including email)

All materials should be sent to tea.stibilj.nemec@ung.si with ' CKZJ – ATHEME – postdoc' in the subject line. As the position is open until filled, we encourage candidates to apply as soon as possible. For informal inquiries, please contact prof. Arthur Stepanov at arthur.stepanov@ung.si.



Applications and further information:

Tea Stibilj Nemec
phone: +386 5 620 58 22
e-mail: tea.stibilj.nemec@ung.si