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Postdoctoral researcher / assistant professor in the field of physics or astronomy

Date of publication: 26. 6. 2017
Jobs external

University of Nova Gorica announces the postdoctoral researcher or assistant professor in the field of physics or astronomy job vacancy.
Deadline for applications: 31. 7. 2017

Candidates are expected to:
* have a Ph.D. degree in relevant field,
* have knowledge and experience in observational and/or computational astrophysics of transients,
* be willing to lecture in the fields of physics and astronomy at graduate and/or undergraduate level.

The successful candidate will be directly involved in research work of Centre for Astrophysics and Cosmology (CAC) of the University of Nova Gorica. The CAC is active in the research fields of astrophysics and astroparticle physics with focus on studies of high-energy transients (gamma-ray bursts, tidal disruption events), dark matter searches, ultra high-energy cosmic rays and gamma-ray data (more info at: http://www.ung.si/en/research/cac/). The CAC actively participates in several large international collaborations, including Gaia, Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, Fermi LAT, Cherenkov Telescope Array, and Pierre Auger Observatory. The CAC is benefiting also from the proximity of several institutions with strong expertise in high-energy astrophysics and/or astroparticle physics such as SISSA, ICTP, INFN, and INAF in Trieste.
Successful applicant is expected to collaborate with Prof. Dr. Andreja Gomboc in the study of gamma ray bursts and/or tidal disruption events and to become involved (if not already a member) in relevant international collaborations.

The starting date of the position will be agreed with the candidate.
The employment contract will be concluded for one year with possibility of extension.

Please submit:
* CV
* list of publications
* motivation letter with short summary of research interests
* and arrange for three reference letters to be sent to the address below.

Informal enquiries before application are very welcome (for research related questions please contact: andreja.gomboc@ung.si).
Applications should be sent by e-mail as a single file in pdf format to the University of Nova Gorica personnel office, address tea.stibilj.nemec@ung.si



Tea Stibilj Nemec
phone: 05 33 15 261
e-mail: tea.stibilj.nemec@ung.si