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Time-dependence measurements of photoconductivity crucial for the new type of organic optical components

Date of publication: 18. 8. 2016

The scientists of University of Nova Gorica accomplished experiments, which conducted to an article in Nature Nanotechnology

On 25th of July 2016, the prestigious international journal Nature Nanotechnology has published an article by an international group of scientists from the University of Strasbourg (France) and the University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia). The article presents the results of an experimental study of a novel two dimensional nanostructured photo-sensor. The photo-sensor comprises two-dimensionally aligned semiconducting polymer nanowires, which results to be highly efficient system for the detection of the visible light. This discovery opens the door to the development of fast light photo-sensors, which will be etirely made of organic materials.

For the purpose of the study, the scientists from the University of Nova Gorica exploited their experimental setup for the time-dependent measurements of the photoconductivity response of organic thin layers. This complex system, comprising a pulsed laser and fast electronic measurement instruments, was built in the “Laboratory of Organic Matter Physics” (LOMP), and is one of the few setups worldwide, which can be used to investigate monolayer-thick films. All experiments are performed in a controlled nitrogen atmosphere, which prevents the contamination of polymer nanostructures.

The article presents the results, which were obtained in LOMP using 3-ns light pulses of green light for the photoexcitation of electric current. The results demonstrate a fast response of two-dimensional polymer nanostructures. They discovered that the electric current of the photoexcited carriers reach its highest magnitude only 10 ns after the illumination. Such fast response promises bright future for the development of organic optical devices including organic photo-detectors, organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), and organic solar cells. The use of two-dimensional polymer nanostructures as proposed in the article promises fabrication of organic devices without transparent metal electrodes. Therefore, organic optical devices can be fabricated on flexible substrates.

Zhang, L., Zhong, X., Pavlica, E., Li, S., Klekachev, A., Bratina, G., Ebbesen, T. W., Orgiu, E. and Samori, P. ”A nanomesh scaffold for supramolecular nanowire optoelectronic devices”, Nature Nanotechnology, DOI: 10.1038/nnano.2016.125

Link to the article: "http://www.nature.com/nnano/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nnano.2016.125.html"


Andreja Leban
Public Relations
T: +386 5 3315 397
E: andreja.leban@ung.si